Sc Wallet


  • Staking
  • Token Swap
  • Expansion of E-commerce Functionality
  • Reservation Feature

SC Wallet

Supercells is a currency and payment platform that can be used for medical and cosmetic services as well as stem cell treatments. By using the SCT wallet, medical and cosmetic procedures, which were previously expensive and complex, become more affordable and accessible. Our mission is to lower the economic barriers to medical and cosmetic services by leveraging technological advancements, thereby providing more people with access to cutting-edge medical treatments and procedures. Supercells is steadily progressing towards this mission, aiming to enhance and enrich people's lives by improving their health and well-being.

SC wallet function


  1. By staking SCT tokens, you can earn additional rewards. Staking involves depositing your owned tokens into a specific platform to contribute to the security and operation of the network. Rewards are typically allocated to network operators and users participating in staking.

SC wallet function

Token Swap

  1. You can easily exchange SCT tokens for other tokens. Token swap refers to exchanging different cryptocurrencies, typically done through decentralized exchanges or swap platforms. This allows users to easily acquire or exchange their preferred tokens. This feature is intended to be integrated with platforms operated by licensed exchange operators.

SC wallet function

Expansion of E-commerce Functionality

  1. You can purchase beauty products or exchange them for discount vouchers. E-commerce functionality, abbreviated as EC, refers to the capability to purchase goods or services through online stores or platforms.

SC wallet function

Reservation Feature

  1. In the initial phase, we will enable reservations at 20 partner clinics. This functionality will allow users to make reservations at partner clinics using SCT tokens in the future. This signifies an expansion of the utility of SCT tokens.